2024 Short-Term Study Programs

Mar 08 2024

l School Performance

Ø High level vocational schools with Chinese characteristics and professional construction plan High level school construction unit (the only one in Anhui)

Ø National high-quality vocational colleges

Ø Anhui's first and first batch of 28 demonstration vocational colleges in China

Ø The second batch of national demonstration schools for deepening innovation and entrepreneurship education reform

Ø National Vocational College Employment Competitiveness Demonstration School

Ø Exemplary organization of National Vocational Education

Ø Exemplary organization of National Mass Sports

Ø One of the first batch of pilot universities with 1+X certificate system in China

Ø Top 50 Cases of Student Management in National Vocational Colleges

Ø Top 30 Influential Demonstration Vocational Colleges in China

Ø Typical Cases of the Development of National "Double Teacher" Teachers

Ø Cooperative unit of the Ministry of Education's industry-university collaborative education project

Ø Exemplary organization of Anhui Province for Employment and Re employment Training

Ø Anhui Provincial High Vocational Development Benchmark School

Ø Anhui Province Skills Competition Benchmark School

Ø Anhui Province's first batch of school enterprise cooperation demonstration schools

Ø Units in Anhui Province with Significant Achievements in Employment Work for College Graduates

l Introduction of WHIT

WHIT was founded in 1983 and was originally named Wuhu United University. There are currently campuses in Wenjin, Yinhu, Baima, and Nanling, covering an area of over 400 acres. The total construction area of the school is 800,000 square meters, which includes 23 teaching units and Instruments and Apparatuses Research Institute, and the total value of teaching instruments and equipment exceeds 300 million yuan. 

There are currently 72 majors and more than 20000 full-time students on campus.

After years of exploration in vocational education, WHIT has developed a distinctive development path that relies on local economy, serves local economy, deepens school enterprise cooperation, integrates industry and education, combines engineering and education, and integrates knowledge and action. The scale of WHIT continues to expand, and the strength, quality, and social influence of the school have been comprehensively improved. Various undertakings have achieved new leapfrog development.

l Professional Characteristics

WHIT actively serves new business formats, connects with new professions, further optimizes the layout of professional groups, closely connects with the professional clusters of regional industrial chains, and serves the development of emerging and leading industries in Anhui. With the two national level "double high" professional groups of mechanical-electrical integration technology and food nutrition and testing technology, the school leads the high-quality development of new generation information technology, high-end equipment manufacturing, new energy and intelligent connected vehicles, artificial intelligence, new business science, modern agriculture and other professional groups.Since 2014, WHIT has been carrying out the "four-year consistent system" undergraduate technical and skilled talent training. Currently, there are five joint training majors of "specialized to undergraduate" in ordinary universities, withmore than 1000 undergraduate students. The school explores and forms an innovative vertical integration model for vocational education, and carries out a combination reform of vocational education long-term talent training. 3+2 segmented training and five-year consistent vocational education adopt cross campus and cross college joint training methods.

l Teaching Staff

WHIT has a high-quality professional teaching team with noble professional ethics, exquisite skills, reasonable structure, and full of vitality. More than 30% of the teachers have senior professional titles, and the proportion of teachers with dual teacher qualification is 92.94%.The school currently has 49 high-level teaching innovation teams and skill master studios, including 1 national level high-level teaching innovation team and 35provincial-level workshops, 8 provincial-level skill master studios, and 5 provincial-level teacher studios. We have 53 teaching teams at or above the provincial level, renowned teacher (master) studios, and demonstration grassroots teaching and research rooms; 340 high-level talents, including provincial-level or above teaching masters, professional leaders, and top talents in disciplines (majors); 53 technology platforms of all levels and types. In 2023, the school was selected for the "New Era Vocational School Famous Teachers (Craftsmen) and Principal Training Plan" and was approved as a national level vocational education teacher innovation team construction unit.

l Training Conditions

WHIT has more than 30 on campus training bases and centers, with a total value of teaching instruments 

and equipment of 300 million yuan.

The school focuses on the digital transformation, intelligent upgrading, and green development of regional industries, focusing on new industries and new technology fields such as new generation information technology, intelligent manufacturing, and new business science. It collaborates with top enterprises to establish 20 school level characteristic industry colleges in the form of "top enterprises setting standards, core enterprises building content, and local enterprises participating", in collaboration with the Free Trade Zone, Nanling County, Municipal Rural Agriculture Bureau, Alibaba, EFORT, and other units.

The school currently has 403 on-campus practical teaching venues, 68 provincial-level or above training bases, and 301 off-campus practical teaching venues, including 30 open regional industry education integration practice centers jointly built with enterprises.

l Educational Achievements

WHIT has won the National Teaching Achievement Award for four consecutive years. Leading the province in various high-level professional groups, achievement awards, resource libraries, and competition awards at or above the provincial level.

In 2023, teacher and student teams won 597 national and provincial discipline competition awards, including 3 national first prizes, 11 second prizes, and 11 third prizes; 138 provincial first prizes, 182 second prizes, and 252 third prizes. Among them, won 1 first prize, 3 second prizes, and 7 third prizes in the National Vocational College Skills Competition; Received one gold medal in the BRICS Vocational Skills Competition (Future Skills Challenge); Received one silver medal and one fourth place in the CAD mechanical design competition of the 2nd Vocational Skills Competition of the People's Republic of China. The award-winning teachers and students were awarded the title of "National Technical Expert".

In the top 300 of the 2018-2022 National College Student Competition Rankings (Vocational Education) 

released in 2023, the university ranked fourth in the country, first in vocational colleges in the central region, and first in Anhui Province. It was rated as the "one school, one grade" demonstration base of national higher vocational sports and the exemplary organization of national mass sports.

l Campus Life

The school always adheres to the student-centered educational philosophy, providing teachers and students with a more comfortable teaching, learning, and living environment. The campus cafeteria has been upgraded and renovated with a student reading bar and leisure area, achieving integration of dining, leisure, and learning functions; New smart classrooms provide comprehensive information infrastructure and advanced video resource platforms; The school has complete sports facilities and a variety of sports activities; Dormitory air conditioning and campus Wi Fi are fully covered, providing students with a comfortable and convenient life.

There are more than 70 various types of clubs in the school, with a focus on promoting moral education and nurturing talents. They enrich their content and create high-quality products. They actively carry out speech competitions, ethnic teacher-student friendship days, handicraft creation competitions, campus top ten singer competitions, club cultural exchange evening parties, traditional culture entering the campus, recitation competitions, and other activities to promote the main theme, spread traditional culture, and enrich campus life.

l International Cooperation and Exchange

The university actively carries out foreign exchanges, constantly strengthens exchanges and cooperation with overseas universities and educational institutions such as Singapore, the United Kingdom, the United States, Germany, Australia, South Korea, Japan, Thailand, and solidly promotes the establishment of cooperative relations with universities in countries along the "the Belt and Road".

Steadily promoting Sino foreign cooperative education projects, there are currently 4 cooperative education projects, with a total enrollment of 856 students. In 2018, the school officially obtained the qualification to recruit international students, and has recruited more than 100 international students from Cambodia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Morocco and other countries, forming a "four in one, three certificate integration" international student order class training model. In the first phase of the "international order class", 11 Indonesian international students graduated and all joined Indonesian Conch. In the second phase of the "international order class", 25 international students have come to the school to study. Promote the export of advantageous professional resources and lead the construction of 7 national vocational standard development projects in Tanzania and Laos; Established the "Wuzhi - Indonesia Conch Overseas Vocational Education and Training Center" to serve the international development of local enterprises, and has conducted 5 training sessions for foreign employees of enterprises. Substantive cooperation has been made with universities in Thailand, Indonesia, and other countries on the construction of "Huijiang Workshop" and overseas campuses, achieving phased results. The brand influence of "Study Abroad in Anhui" and "Study Abroad in Wuzhi" continues to increase.

WHIT won the title of exemplary organization in Foreign Affairs of Education in Anhui Province, was successfully selected as one of the first member units of the World Vocational and Technical Education Alliance, was elected as the vice chairman unit of the Council of the Silk Road Asia Europe Universities (Vocational Education) Alliance, was elected as the founding member unit of the German Handicraft Association Alliance, was elected as the member unit of Luban Workshop Construction Alliance, was selected as the construction unit of Germany's "T ∨ V Rhine Digital Innovation Empowerment Plan", and won the gold medal of the "UAV Control" competition in the 2023 BRICS Future Skills Challenge. The case of "International Order Class" was successfully selected as the "Collection of Vocational Education Cooperation Achievements in the Decade of Jointly Building the the Belt and Road" by the Chinese Vocational Education Society.

l Schedule of Short-Term Study Program


Training Content



All Day

Registration and Check-in



Class Opening Ceremony

School Hall

Visiting the campus

Wenjin Campus


Chinese traditional art - Paper Cuttings, 


Wenjin Campus



Chinese Traditional Culture - Tea Art 


Yinhu Campus Tea Art Room


Aircraft, Robotics, 3D Printing Training Courses

Yinhu Campus Training Base



Experience making Chinese cuisine - 

roasted wheat, steamed buns, dumplings

Sijichun Training Room


Visit Wuhu Iron Painting Art Museum and Huizhou Merchant Museum

Within Wuhu City



Teaching Chinese Martial Arts

Wenjin Campus Gymnasium


Cultural exchange activities between 

            Chinese and foreign students

Library Square


All Day

Experience the Beauty of Huizhou 

                 Ancient Architecture

Mount Huangshan


All Day

Leaving Wuhu